My how time flies!!!!!

Time goes by so fast. Taking time to think to yourself is invaluable. Everyone needs to sit back and just think sometimes, no television or radio, just a little solitude. I know that sounds crazy in a time where technology is no longer a luxury, but it is a necessity. Today, while I was thinking, I realized that we never spend much time in the present. We are constantly thinking about what we want to do next or another decision we made in the past, but we never appreciate the time we have to live now. I am making a vow to appreciate the present because it is a present.

School has been really crazy lately and that is expected in the last couple of weeks. Meetings, tests, meetings, work, meetings......and it goes on and on. You really have to learn how to balance yourself in college. I believe I have really learned how to balance myself pretty well. I used to get really frustrated when other people would try to place their restraints on me and tell me that I am doing too much. I think I know how much is too much for me better than anyone else would. I say no to a lot of things because at the end of the day my well being is what matters.

On a more personal note, I recently lost a friend. A good guy by the name of Donald Haley. I came to know Donald AKA Wheels last year. We were in the Capital Scholars Honors Program together. Donald was always a cool guy, but I really admired the fact that he always kept it real. He rarely sugar coated things and that is something that a lot of other people should learn to do. He was in a wheel chair and that is why he went by the nickname Wheels. He was pretty funny too. I sent my prayers out to his family and I sent some things via his sister. I know that nothing I did would bring Donald back, but I felt I could do something. I really didn't know what to say to his twin sister Delinvia, because i could never imagine losing my brother let alone a twin. I just pray for the family and hope they stay strong.

Coming to a close, I have to write a couple of papers and I have to do a lot of studying. I think im going to have a little movie night in my room. I stole Slumdog Millionaire and Traitor from my house when I went home to visit this weekend. I will probably invite Rachel and Courtney down to watch....