Goodbye Summer!

Today marks the official termination of summer. Classes have started and the campus is live and full again. My summer was really crazy because I worked in the residence hall maintaining the building for conferences while taking three classes. Usually I hate to see the summer leave, but I have to say this year I am not as sad. The departure of summer is still bittersweet because I had so much fun with Stella Bella, it's crazy how you can go from ignoring a person to really enjoying their company (most of the time) hahaha. I missed all of my friends that went home for the summer. Classes are also easier during the year because you aren't trying to cram everything into a few weeks. I am waiting on the rest of my books to come this week. I never order books from the bookstore because it is ridiculously expensive. I check amazon and to see where is cheaper. Usually, books come to a total of about 450 bucks cheaper online. really helps a college student in business classes, let me tell you! On another note, my wing seems to be settling in just fine. For those of you that didn't know I am an RA and for the past two years I have lived on 2 of the specialty wings that the school offers. Last year, I did the Leadership for Life wing ( we still have a bond that could never be broken) and this year I am on the Necessary Steps wing ( a leadership and mentoring program). We will see what this year holds and I promise to keep you updated!!!!