This is how we do the holidayz!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The holiday season is a very special time of year. This time of year means different things to different people. The world is a very diverse place and sometimes you forget that everyone celebrates differently. What does the holiday season mean 2 u...a little mistletoe? I went around and asked everyone what the holiday season means to them and this is what I got...........

A little Mistletoe

I miss you too!

I needed to drop a little note just to let you all know that I haven't forgotten about you. I have had so much going on in these past couple of weeks, but that is the life of a college student. Oh yeah, my wing, LEADERSHIP FOR LIFE (L4L), won the canned food drive. We brought in over 500 lbs. of food. We also won the lounge decorating contest. It was really cool, we decorated the lounge and had a huge goblin inflatable. The theme somehow turned to "thriller boo" because Kudus......nevermind.....we won. It was all for a good cause. We learned the Michael Jackson's thriller dance and began to perform it when the children from family housing came to visit the lounge. I have been wanting to post more pictures but my camera is on crack and the screen turns red when i turn it on. Here is a picture of most of my residents.



Ahhh! So last weekend I went home for the first time of the year. Yeah, let me say that was a much needed break. I went home and ate at Harolds, I-57, and Spanky's. It's a chi-town thing. It was good to finally be able to get away from school and the work for a second. Oh yeah, if you didn't know I live three hours away in the Windy City of Chicago. It was good to see my family and everything was going well at home.


Karla AKA Stinka is one of my 2 god-daughters. She is growing up so fast and she just had her second birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. It's a shame. A couple of people on my wing/floor still go to Chuck E. Cheese every weekend. (AIMEE!!!!) She is talking very well and is just as busy as usual. She is always a highlight of my trip home. I miss her all the time, but it's hard to see her as much when I'm away. I guess you could say that school makes you appreciate your family even more. Here, she learned a new little dance. When she was a baby she would always do silly dances.

Don't tell her I put that up there.

My other god-daughter is Miss. Khalilah-Beelah. It's really just Khalilah but I call her that. She is a little younger, but super smart. She is just really learning how to talk and I always get phone calls from her mother when Khalilah is just riding in the car and decides to yell out my name.


Dang Howard! Helping put off homework even further!!

1) Why did you choose your major?
Well, that's a long story. I am triple majoring in Accountancy, Business Administration, and Economics. LOL. I finally decided that I wanted to triple major
on a car ride to Chicago with Karen Moranski (you many know, or get to know her as
Captain Kirk), Karen Moranski (K.Mo) and Karen Guthrie-Coleman (She just got married!). I am interested in all three subjects and it's fun to me. When me and Renaenae (Renee Rathjen) get together and talk about budgets we realize that we are the only losers that would get excited about something like that. I have a fascination
with money. I like it better when it's in my pocket, my IRA, or any other account in my name. Hope that answered your question.

2) What are your plans post-graduation?
I'm not 100% sure and what I am going to do yet. Prior to this day, my response would
have been " I want t be a CEO or CFO at a Fortune 500 Company". After watching the market I am not sure exactly what I want to become professionally, but as soon as I figure it out I'll let you know. However, I do know that I will go to University of Chicago immediately after graduation to receive my MBA. Yup yup.

3) What’s the last non-textbook you read?
Great question. Out of all the things that I do, I find it hard to read a lot which is unfortunate because its something that i like to do. If the WallStreet Journal counts I read that every day. Uhhh real book would have to be........I can't believe I'm about to admit this.....Harry Potter. I'm probably lying. I am sure I have read another book since then..outside of class.

4) What’s the last movie you watched?

Well the last movie I completely watched was "Freedom Writers" a second ago. GREAT MOVIE! It was 4 buck so I bought it. I'm in the bed right now watching Love and Basketball with Ashley.
Freedom Writers

Love & Basketball
5) What’s the last thing you watched on TV?

6) What’s your favorite thing about being at UIS?

I enjoy being an R.A., I love my residents here on the Leadership for Life Wing. We go through a lot together and they know what I mean. I like being involved. Oh yeah, I really enjoy the smaller campus environment. I know my teachers personally and it's easier for me to stay on task.

7) What’s at the top of your iTunes playlist right now?

Ne-Yo's new cd Year of the Gentleman is hot. I have really been listening to that lately. You should check that out.

8) What’s one guilty pleasure you have?
No comment. I have a couple.

9) Where’s the best place you’ve ever traveled & why?
Florida is always cool. Why? It just is.

10) Create your own question.

Are you going to Barack the Vote? Better yet....are you registered to vote.

Mic Check 1,2,1,2.! Yeah, I'm here.

Sooo.... I'm not going to make this one too long.
Actually, im going to keep it really short because
I have an accounting assignment due Monday and
I have only kinda sorta started it. I just want
everyone to know that I am here. I'm going to keep
posting once a week and they rest will actually
have some substance LOL. I'm posting a couple of
pics from the homecoming dance last week. I want
to invite everybody to leave comments on my blog.
You can let me know things you want me to blog
about. I've changed the settings on my blog so that
anyone can write a comment on the blog even if they
aren't a blogger. Yeah, so check me out every once and
Peace.☮ Two fingers.

Wait....I forgot to mention that I'm going to change
up the color on my page every month. The colors this
month are for Halloweeen.