Mic Check 1,2,1,2.! Yeah, I'm here.

Sooo.... I'm not going to make this one too long.
Actually, im going to keep it really short because
I have an accounting assignment due Monday and
I have only kinda sorta started it. I just want
everyone to know that I am here. I'm going to keep
posting once a week and they rest will actually
have some substance LOL. I'm posting a couple of
pics from the homecoming dance last week. I want
to invite everybody to leave comments on my blog.
You can let me know things you want me to blog
about. I've changed the settings on my blog so that
anyone can write a comment on the blog even if they
aren't a blogger. Yeah, so check me out every once and
Peace.☮ Two fingers.

Wait....I forgot to mention that I'm going to change
up the color on my page every month. The colors this
month are for Halloweeen.


Anonymous said...

You are awesome Charles. I like your webpage!

Anonymous said...

Wow Charlie! Your blog is great! I laughed out loud like 10 times because you type just like you talk! :) haha... WeLl... Keep up the good work!

P.S... The queen in your top pic is a total HoTtIe! ;)

Charles Olivier said...

Yeah beacuse its a blog Steph. Lol